The Beagle Channel is one of three navigable passages around South America between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.  The Channel's eastern area forms part of the border between Chile and Argentina, while its western area is entirely within Chile. This area has been inhabited by the Yagan people for over 10,000 years.

The Channel is named after the HMS Beagle during it's first hydrographic survey.  During the HMS Beagle's second voyage under Captain FitzRoy, the ship had a passenger known as Charles Darwin who described the area after his first sights of the glaciers, writing in his field notebook "It's scarcely possible to imagine anything more beautiful than the beryl-like blue of these glaciers, and especially as contrasted with the dead white of the upper expanse of snow". 

 This swim takes place from the Italy Glacier in Tierra del Fuego, Chile to Isla Gordon, Chile, a 2K crossing of the Beagle Channel.  Water temperatures can vary from 4°C to 8°C depending on the time of the year.


Swim Information:

Cost for this swim is of $4,900.00 (USD) per swimmer, based on 2 swimmers. Please note that this swim is subject to weather conditions.

Services provided:

  1. Obtaining all permits from authorities.
  2. Insurance.
  3. Support boat with lifeguard to accompany swimmer for the duration of the swim.
  4. Transfer from/to Punta Arenas.
  5. 6 nights hotel stay for the swimmer. Additional for guest.
  6. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
  7. Certification of the swim.


Please contact us to reserve a date.Upon acceptance of application you must submit the following: 

  1. Medical form
  2. Copy of passport.
  3. A short biography of your swimming accomplishments, for press purposes.
  4. Submit your travel itinerary, specially your flight and date of arrival to Punta Arenas.

Terms and Conditions:

  • All fees shall be non-refundable.
  • Subject to changes without notice.

Not  included:

  • Tours.
  • Alcoholic Beverages.


Contact for this swim